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No Small Matter

The numbers speak for themselves

The gender wage gap is one of the biggest problems related to gender discrimination in the workplace.

In 2018, male employees in Malaysia had a median salary of RM 2342 a month while women made RM 2227.

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  Why does it exist?  

Difference in types of occupation

Few women in positions of power -women make up just 4.2% of CEOs at S&P 500 firms

The “motherhood penalty” - mothers are perceived to be less competent and committed 

44% of women either lost a job or missed out on promotions, or got demoted because they were pregnant

Only 5% of the gap is due to formal education levels

Women are less likely to negotiate for pay raises – and those who do so may be perceived as pushy

Direct discrimination

Sources: Office for National Statistics (ONS), Department of Statistics Salaries & Wages Survey Report Malaysia 2018, UN Women Report 2015, U.S. Department of Labor

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