Mihaela Spataru, Moldova
- Member of Parliament in the Republic of Moldova
- Works on national security, defence and internal affairs
- Happy to see more women involved in conflict resolution
- Founded the Women's Parliamentary Caucus to promote gender equality
The Caucus introduced a 40% quota for women on political party lists (in national & state elections)
"I don't believe women are better than men or that men are better than women. There are simple no jobs that a women cannot do. "

Ketevan Khidasheli, Georgia  
- 2017 champion of Kato Mikeladze Prize (outstanding achievements in supporting women’s rights in Georgia)
- Moved from Tbilisi to a poor village in Georgia
- Set up a local organization to fight gender-based violence together with local activists
- Opened a kindergarten for small Muslim community living next to their village (a great victory for mothers to focus on personal development)
"It's not easy to be a woman., especially if you live on rural areas. All women need to go out into the world and see what they can do for others. You can't make your little home perfect if your big home is in trouble."

Armenuhi Kyurghyan, Armenia
- Member of Parliament in Armenia
- Has been a part of gender equality movement for 20 years
- Realized that activism is not enough to improve people’s lives (all bright ideas are just theory until you participate in decision-making)
- Widely spread misconception: politics is not for women / women do not want to involve in politics
- Women want to, can and must change the decision-making culture. 
"If decisions are being made for women and med, then why are women not at the table?"

Gulmira Kazakunova, Kyrgyzstan
- Coordinator of the Central Asia Network of Women with Disabilities.  
- 2004: No organizations in Kyrgyzstan fought for the rights of disabled women. They were invisible.
- Knew women who were being subjected to violence at home and had no one to ask for help. Being disabled herself, she could feel their pain.  
- founded an NGO to  protect the rights of women and girls living with disabilities, to help them overcome their fears and accomplish their goals.
"A woman living with disablities is twice discriminated. First, because of her disability. Second, because of her gender."

We have seen several amazing and strong women who strive for gender equality and women empowerment...
Now, prepared to be amazed to see a man empower women to achieve success~!
Ivan Malisic, Montenegro 
- Project manager at a regional development agency in Montenegro.  
- Rural women are the most underprivileged in Montenegro, both economically and socially. They do hard manual labour all their lives, with little pay and appreciation, without pension or social insurance.  
- Supported rural women and their businesses while working on programmes for rural development funded by the European Union
- Help women develop business plans and learn the skills they need. He encourages and supports them.
- So far, he has helped more than 200 women become successful entrepreneurs.  