The First Step, Empowerment
“Equality is not a concept. It’s not something we should be striving for. It’s a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need to stand on this earth as men and women, and the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition.” 
     —Joss Whedon, American screenwriter, producer, and director 
~Women Empowerment & Gender Equality~
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. In order to achieve gender equality, we should all start off with empowerment.
Empowerment – A process of change that brings equality in social order in which men and women are both equals in all areas. With this, people, not just women are able to take control of their own lives, improve their own positions, set their own agenda, gain skills, develop self-confidence, solve problems, and develop self-sufficiency.
Empowerment leads to genuine participation of all actors as it is a process of gaining self-confidence for individual development as well as to contribute towards development of others.
There has been a betterment of women empowerment in Malaysia lately, the Gender Gap Index has improved, with increased women empowerment in politics being the greatest contributor to the better score.
The index score for 2018 is recorded at 71.1%, a boost from 69.7% the year before, Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) showed in its Statistics on Women Empowerment in Selected Domains. This indicates that there are numerous contributions and successes sourced from the fight of human rights.
The improvement made does not mean that we should stop making a change, there is still room for improvement and efforts can be made. In fact, it should be a start for us to play our role in achieving gender equality – not just to maintain, but to strive for further improvements and greater achievements.

Efforts towards Gender Equality
(by Men & Women)
Let's take a look at amazing heroes and heroines who fight for women empowerment.

Ways to Prevent Gender Equality
(in our daily lives)
How do we avoid gender equality in our daily lives? Check out these helpful ways and tips!
~Let's watch some inspiring videos on Women Empowerment~

Source: (by Google) (by UN Women)
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