Empowered Today, Equal Tomorrow (ETET)
Empowered Today, Equal Tomorrow (ETET)
Empowered Today, Equal Tomorrow (ETET)
Empowered Today, Equal Tomorrow (ETET)

How serious THIS ISSUE IS?

I really fell for this guy. He was wonderful for the first 3 months, but then he changed and became very controlling.
He didn’t allow me to talk with friends freely and would throw and break things if I did.
He told me I was a bitch, he spat on me and hit me.
On one occasion I was bedridden for 2 days from this and made excuses to people about how I was injured. He pulled a knife and stabbed my bedding, threatened me with objects, drove the car at high speeds with me in it – and always, always it was my fault.
I began to believe that it was my fault and felt like I was in this rollercoaster that I couldn’t get off. I spent every day crying until finally enough was enough and I left. Still, he came and begged me to give him another go and I did, but it wasn’t my choice to be in the relationship……

The first time Sunthari’s husband hit her was just a week after their wedding. 
“We were in our marital home for the first time. He came at me with a kitchen knife. He held it against my throat and then he pushed me down. I tried to run upstairs but he dragged me down the stairs. Every time I tried to fight, he’d push me down and hit me again and again. 
“I didn’t know what was happening. I was in pain, afraid and confused. I was crushed ... this was the man I was supposed to share my life with. Why was he hitting me? 
“After some time, I got tired of fighting and just stayed on the ground. He left me there with my bruised and bloodied face,” she recounts. 
He returned later, remorseful. He cried, begged forgiveness and promised to be better. 
“I asked him why he’d hit me but he just cried and asked me to give him another chance. I was in love and isn’t that what you do when you love someone? So I gave him another chance and another and another,” she recounts.